Sunday, 30 November 2008

hand made in california?

so i got back from paris this afternoon. went to a party, caught up on what i've been missing and did some shopping. got taken to a little shop on rue st honore, 75001 where i was instructed to buy some vintage vans, which i did. all was well apart from my learning of the existence of all black velvet ones and the lack of sizes :(

anyway. i got some midnight blue ones. very cute. and when i got home and showed my mum she claimed that i had been done because it is impossible that what my vans claim is true; that they are "hand made in California, one shoe at a time" because minimum wages etc. So, can any one offer any info on this please so i can reply to her statement and not look like a dufus by only saying "... well it says on the label".

more interestingly, heres matt being bait.



Anonymous said...

i was in paris too!!

i had an amazing time, what did u do out there?

u should have let me know u were there!!

Matthew Schnickens said...

Now everyone can see why I'm one of the most celebrated footballers of my generation.

Anonymous said...

your nearly as good as me

bonnie said...

matt- i hope yr having fun without me at football and enjoy bodeans on yr j's with yr runny nose. also, see how i would have got no response to this post had you made me take you being a foo' down.

bebe- i think a video response to that claim is required.

anonymous- yr anonymous.. i cant tell you if i dont know who you are. enlighten meh pls.

moo- thankyou for paris :) xoxo

Anonymous said...

hahahahahahah lolz lmao rofl etc.

Yes Matthew

Matthew Schnickens said...

Does this.

Elle Bee said...
