Sunday 3 February 2008

My fasination with Illustration

Just received a graphic novel of sorts from my cousin in Brazil who works as an illustrator (mainly working on graphic novels/comic books). It titles itself '21st century Pulp Fiction' and is all over pretty dope as it involves a montage of different illustrators portraying their individual take on the theme/concept. For me what made it stand out was the graphic design included and the ways in which they mixed up the illustration work with bits of graphic design... Very nice. Kind of like a Tribes of Tokyo meets creative review.

I recently red a short article on the importance of the contents page, due to its provision of an initial impression for the reader, so i was impressed with the opening page as it wasn't your typical contents page and made use of some interesting graphic design as opposed to illustration.

These are some extracts of a specific illustrator i particularly took to. His stuff was all quite minimalistic.

Yet another illustration i took to.

These three scans are some of the amazing pieces of graphic design the book offered. They are all surreal pieces and remind me of some kind of outerspace supernova.

Im becoming more and more fascinated with design in its own right as i continue to publish this blog, so excuse the deviation. I've also got some accrobeau logo and sticker designs in the pipeline so the blog will soon be blessed with a new header and a more sophisticated presentation.
Get at me if you have the skills needed to alter / amend the appearance of the blog through use of HTML and any other computer codes that may exist.

1 comment:

@misterlego said...

nice work by ur famo . . .